Infections with Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and
Author information: (1)Department of Clinical Microbiology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden; Department of Infectious Diseases at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden. The prevalence of CandidatusNeoehrlichia mikurensis infection was determined in 102 persons bitten by ticks in Sweden. Two infected women had erythematous rashes; 1 was co-infected with a Borreliasp., and the other showed seroconversion for Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Candidatus N. mikurensis is an emerging tick-borne pathogen that may give rise to a systemic inflammatory syndrome in persons with hematologic or autoimmune diseases that could be mistaken for recurrence of the underlying disease and/or unrelated arteriosclerotic vascular events.
GÖTEBORG. En ny fästingsmitta har i smyg drabbat en rad personer, med bland annat blodproppar i benen och i huvudets blodkärl som följd. Nu har forskare i Göteborg hittat sambandet som avslöjar smittan. – Nu gäller det att få ut informationen till läkare och patienter, säger Christine Wennerås, forskare vid Sahlgrenska akademin om de nya fynden. robiologi på Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset i Gö teborg och utföll negativa. På grund av remissuppgif terna om intermittent långdragen feber och fästing exponering utförde man även oombett PCR för Candi datus Neoehrlichia mikurensis, vilken utföll positivt.
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Neoehrlichia (N.) mikurensis is an emerging tick-borne pathogen of humans that is closely related to Ehrlichia and Anaplasma species. This strict intracellular bacterium escapes detection by routine microbiologic diagnostic methods such as blood culture leading to considerable under-diagnosis of the infectious disease it causes, neoehrlichiosis.
H Ä L L E K I S K U R I R E N - Ny fästingburen sjukdom
Human beings can become infected by this bacterium via tick-bites and develop the infectious disease “neoehrlichiosis”. Det är en fästingburen sjukdom orsakad av bakterien Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis. Det är än så länge en ovanlig sjukdom och det första sjukdomsfallet beskrevs 2009 från Göteborg. Idag känner man till 17 fall i Sverige.
The Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis bacterium, known in the medical world by its short name Neoehrlichia , was discovered and described for the first time in a scientific article in 2010. Den nyupptäckta fästingbakterien neoehrlichia som kan ge blodproppar, smittar framför allt redan sjuka. Det visar nya rön vid Sahlgrenska akademin i Göteborg. robiologi på Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset i Gö teborg och utföll negativa. På grund av remissuppgif terna om intermittent långdragen feber och fästing exponering utförde man även oombett PCR för Candi datus Neoehrlichia mikurensis, vilken utföll positivt. Patienten blev feberfri inom 1–2 dagar efter det att
Nu kan ett fästingbett ge dig blodpropp. Nära hälften av de rapporterade fallen har hittats i Sverige.
Neoehrlichia infection was in all cases based on pan-bacterial PCR analysis of segments of the 16S rRNA gene followed by sequence and homology analyses. EDTA- or citrate-anticoagulated peripheral blood samples were uniformly used for diagnosis, but Neoehrlichia DNA was also detected in plasma specimens (most patients), blood culture flask Candidatus (Ca.) Neoehrlichia (N.) mikurensis is the cause of neoehrlichiosis, an infectious disease that is transmitted via tick-bites [].The first case of neoehrlichiosis was reported 10 years ago and involved a fit elderly man with chronic lymphocytic leukemia who became ill with fever while kayaking in Sweden []. Neoehrlichia mikurensis, Sweden.
Sera from 27 March and 8 April showed CNM at >1 million copies/ml, while corresponding levels were 1200 copies/ml on 15 April. CNM infection could not be detected in July 2014. CNM: Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis; RTX: rituximab. The prevalence of Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis infection was determined in 102 persons bitten by ticks in Sweden.
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This strict intracellular bacterium escapes detection by routine microbiologic diagnostic methods such as blood culture leading to considerable under-diagnosis of the infectious disease it causes, neoehrlichiosis. Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis is a tick-borne pathogen found in Europe and Asia . It causes an infectious disease in immunocompromised persons that is … A newly discovered tick-borne bacterium known as “Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis” has been implicated in six cases of disease in Sweden.
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Methods ! A 77 year old female with previous mantle-cell lymphoma, splenectomy and currently on Rituximab maintenance therapy presented with fever and elevated liver enzymes through 6 months. ! Thorough investigations A newly discovered tick-borne bacterium known as "Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis" has been implicated in six cases of disease in Sweden. A new international study led by the Sahlgrenska Academy has shown that this bacterium is primarily a risk for people who are already sick and who are receiving immunosuppressive drugs.