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Getting started # The first step in using PIX is to take a capture. Learn about the available capture types: GPU captures Timing captures Timing captures (Legacy) Function Summary captures (Deprecated) Callgraph captures (Deprecated) System Monitor For best results, instrument your game using the WinPixEventRuntime. 1Notes on the documentation The Embedded PC must be installed in a housing, which ensures protection class IP 54 for gas according to EN 60079-15. A housing with protection class IP 54 is required for non-conductive dust.
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PC 2 Version 9.6.0 Administrator's Guide ; Version 9.6.0 What's New Document ; PC 2 Version 9.6.0 Judge's Guide ; Version 9.6.0 Team Guide This document is designed as a handout for teams competing in a contest using PC 2 Version 9. A copy should be given in advance to each team to help them prepare for using the system. 5 Pen Pc Technology Documentation Recognizing the pretentiousness ways to get this book 5 pen pc technology documentation is additionally useful. You have remained in right site to start getting this info. acquire the 5 pen pc technology documentation join that we manage to pay for here and check out the link.